June 22-00 (Berlin) https://zoom.us/j/92766849686?pwd=bjI1c042OFJUWUtock1KaDl2K251dz09 The Philosophy of Rick and Morty, Jed McKenna, and Jim O'Shaughnessy - Interintellect
Jim O’Shaughnessy – https://twitter.com/jposhaughnessy Bronwyn Williams – http://twitter.com/bronwynwilliams
A Scanner Darkly fits into the movies mentioned by Jim
via:: [[II – Interintellect Salon]]
I refues to answer a literal call to adventure, Morty. Let it go to voicemail
Too familiar…
There's no light without darkness
Every definition hinges on opposites. Not necessarily a "cosmic truth" that there is duality. Duality may arise in human mind. Could fields, with pos and neg values, be combined and be more than dual? trial? quadral? re [[Quantum Mechanics]]
Spiritual no-man's land
topic:: [[II – Interintellect Salon]]